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Organic cultivation, that is  farming without using chemical fertilisers and pesticides, is not a state-of-the-art technology developed in recent times. Organic farming has been practiced in India for thousands of years. In traditional India, the entire industry of agriculture was practiced using organic techniques, where the fertilizers and pesticides were obtained from plant and animal products.                                             


 Organic farming was the backbone of the Indian economy and cows were worshiped (as is still done) as sacred animals from God. The cow not only provided milk but also provided bullocks (for farming) and dung (which was used as a fertilizer).In fact, it was the only way of farming followed in the bygone era – until 1960s - an era known for food shortages and hunger deaths.


The area of organic farming has reduced drastically over the decades – accounting for less than 1 percent of the global agricultural land at present (in India it is about 0.28 percent). One of the reasons for this shift has been the failure of organic agriculture to raise the productivity to keep pace with the growing population.


Why Buy Organic


Consumers purchase organic foods for many different reasons. .many want to buy food products that are free of chemical pesticides or grown without conventional fertilizers. Some simply like to try new and different products. Product taste, concerns for the environment and the desire to avoid foods from genetically engineered organisms are among the many other reasons some consumers prefer to buy organic food products.


           Organic foods are more nutritious.Proponents of organic food claim that organic foods are more healthy and nutritious compared to non-organic ones. Here again studies have shown that there is no effect on the nutrition content of the food if it is grown organically. 


             There are many benefits to organic farming for both the nature and the people who enjoy organic food stuff and crops. At the point when most individuals consider natural cultivating.

  • Organic farms can support substantially higher levels of wildlife especially in lowlands and where animals can roam pastures or graze on grassland. Not only does wildlife benefit, but entire ecosystems and ground water are improved by simply following organic farming methods.

  • organic farming methods, conventional farmer’s can actually reduce production cost by over 25%. This is accomplished by eliminating the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, minimizing soil erosion by up to 50% and increasing crop yields up to five-fold within five years.

  •  Organic farming practices not only benefit farmers and consumers; but the dairies can benefit. When dairies feed their cows organic feed and graze them on organic fields, the cows experience better health, less sickness, diseases and ultimately produce better tasting milk for consumers.

  • Organic farming promotes soils that are teaming with life and rich in micro nutrients which can be used for decades to grow crops virtually year round in many parts of the world.

  •  Consumers purchasing organically grown foods can taste the difference and see the quality of virtually any organic product they buy. Regardless of minimal price differences, consumers can smell, taste and see the difference in the quality of organically grown food products.

  • Eating organic foods may in fact, reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes and cancer for individuals who abstain from consuming products produced by conventional farming methods. Biochemist are continually researching the inherent benefits of organically grown foods and discovering the consequences consuming products loaded with toxins and chemicals which, until recently, have only begun to be introduced to humans. The fact is, you ultimately are what you eat.

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